Half Term
the girls have been off of school this week for their half term break. it has been nice not having to make my usual three trips a day to school, but we've been having a hard time coming up with things to do with them all week. so far we've made lots of trips to starbucks, eaten at the girl's (and mine) favorite restaurant (belgo in covent garden), walk around hampstead heath for an afternoon (a forest area in london), eat lunch at a pub, watch several movies (Yours, Mine and Ours
and Mary Poppins
) and eat popcorn on a rainy afternoon, visit friends and do a forest walk with them and have dinner together, and play at the regent's park playground. we still have the weekend and monday left. i'll let you know what we end up doing.
andi and jodie at hampstead heath
andi and jodie at starbucks
andi and jodie at hampstead heath

andi and jodie at starbucks

The girls look great and look like their having fun. Thanks for the pictures. We really enjoy them.
Oh, how these pictures remind me of how much we miss you all. The girls looks so adorable. Praying for a wonderful time until they return to school. Enjoy the days - they will pass all too quickly.
i can't wait to see you guys and be there with you! april 2007! :)
love yous.
yummy... starbucks... grande mocha... apple fritter... ahhhhh...
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