Half Term Week
the girls are off school this week. it is half term. they get a one week break in the middle of each term. it is nice not to have to get and make the school run every morning, but i am trying to think of things to do with them all week. it's a bit of a challenge since it's still cold out and so far it looks like it's going to be cloudy and rainy. we might have to hit a museum or two. so today we went to oxford circus (on the c2 bus) this morning and did a bit of shopping with dan. he needed some new trousers. then the girls and i had lunch at mcdonalds, three chicken nugget happy meals. we came home and i gave each of the girls a haircut, which they desperately needed. and i think i managed to do a decent job. after the haircut we made a trip to the library while dan went to the gym for a bit (the library and gym are in the same building). then we came home for dinner. now all i have to do is think of something to do tomorrow.
Mmm, TROUSERS. The last word to enter my vocabulary in Ireland and the last word to leave my vocabulary after I moved back to the states in '05. It was SO ENGRAINED into my mind! So I'm thinking it will be one that I'll pick up again quickly :) It only takes one really embarrassing moment.....
Let us know what you end up doing with the girls this week! :)
P.S. I'm at 28%!
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