now that we finally have internet access i've also been able to do a few more things along with blogging. today i placed my first online grocery order since being here. my groceries should arrive at my door tomorrow afternoon! no more carryinig! i also finally got to order something from amazon and use my gift certificate that andrew and mark gave me for my birthday! thankyou andrew and mark! i am now anxiously awaiting the arrival of Tender at the Bone: Growing Up at the Table
by ruth reichl (dan got me Garlic and Sapphires: The Secret Life of a Critic in Disguise
also by ruth reichl for my birthday and i absolutely loved it and didn't want the book to end), Radical Hospitality: Benedict's Way Of Love
by daniel homan, and Bistro Cooking at Home
by gordon hamersley.
I sense a theme in your book choices.... I just can't place my finger on it...
I'm glad to see you back in "blogland", I'm glad to hear that things are going well in London so far and that the girls are settling into school. I can't believe how old they're getting! The pictures of Jodie's b-day and Andi in her school uniform are so cute! :)
I miss you!! :)
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