London Week 1
we're coming to the end of our second week here in london and i'm just now getting a chance to blog. i wrote this last week and never got a chance to post it.
London Week 1
Our first full day in London. Dan and I pick up the keys to our flat and go take a look at it. It seems smaller than we remember, but I discover that we have garbage disposal! Then we go and visit a few schools. It’s a bit disappointing. No one has time to talk to us. A couple schools have no room left. We get some lunch and then pick up a few groceries and some cleaning supplies. We can’t buy too much, only what we’re able to carry. I clean the floors in our flat (they’re really dusty from sitting empty for a couple of months) and Dan and Jeremy go and get our stuff that we have stored in London. While they’re gone I finish cleaning while the girls help. Then the girls watch a dvd and I take a nap. When dan gets back with our stuff we have dinner and then set up our air mattresses.
Tuesday dinner:
Fresh spinach tortellini bought from the store with olive oil and freshly grated parmesan cheese.
Dan calls around to schools today. One school thinks they have one opening in year 1 for andi. We have an appointment to visit tomorrow morning! I go to the grocery store again and get something for lunch and dinner. Dan starts to work on getting phone and internet access, it is going to be a process. Dan buys one more air mattress for Jodie because she was the only one that didn’t have one. This evening we walked to regents park and discovered they have a great playground and sandbox. Dan discovers that our washer is also a drier! One less thing to buy and take up space! Work on upacking some boxes.
Wednesday dinner:
Salmon with Cajun seasoning
Fried potatoes
We all go to the school this morning to talk to the head teacher. They definitely have a spot available in year 1 for andi. We also find out they have a nursery with places available for Jodie. We get a tour of the school and it is really nice. We have lunch at mcdonalds and do a little bit more shopping. We bought hangers and a pillow and looked for a kitchen trash can. Andi and I go back to the school later in the afternoon with all the paper work filled out to sign the girls up. I buy andi’s uniform shirts from the school. They only have one shirt in the smallest size. I’ll guess I’ll be washing it every night. The girls will start school on Monday.
Thursday dinner:
Roasted Chicken
Sauted asparagus
This afternoon we go to oxford circus to buy andi’s uniform. We get her a navy skirt and a pair of trousers and socks and shoes. Dan takes the standing order for our rent to the estate agent and they make plans to go for a drink later. We have dinner at Camden market.
Our estate agent brings us some chairs that we can borrow for a little bit. We’ve just been sitting on the floor and our trunks for the last few days. We go to mcdonald’s for lunch on our way to ikea. We spend all afternoon getting to ikea and waking through ikea and getting home from ikea. The only thing we liked we’re a set of shelves. We didn’t buy anything. We picked up chicken from KFC on our way home for dinner. Our phone finally gets turned on!
We went ot church on the corner this morning. It was fun seeing some people we had met last year. After church we have lunch at nando’s. dan checks his e-mail while we’re still in islington, they have free wifi on their main street. The girls and I go sit in borders. They look at the kid books while I look a t a knitting book. For dinner we have leftovers.
This is the girls first day of school. Andi woke up early this morning ready to go. She helped pack her lunch and was excited about getting to wear her uniform. I walked andi to school and we met her teacher. She seemed to settle right in. when I got back I took Jodie to starbucks for a little bit. Dan and Jodie and I went to order the girls a bunk bed. It will arrive on Thursday. We had lunch at home and then I walked Jodie to school. She had a wonderful time. On the way back from school I went grocery shopping. Then dan and I went to the bank and opened an account. I picked the girls up from school. Both of them seemed to really enjoy their first day and were looking forward to going back tomorrow. After we got home I layed down for a bit and ended up falling asleep until it was time to make dinner.
Monday dinner:
Baked chicken with potatoes
Sauted asparagus
London Week 1
Our first full day in London. Dan and I pick up the keys to our flat and go take a look at it. It seems smaller than we remember, but I discover that we have garbage disposal! Then we go and visit a few schools. It’s a bit disappointing. No one has time to talk to us. A couple schools have no room left. We get some lunch and then pick up a few groceries and some cleaning supplies. We can’t buy too much, only what we’re able to carry. I clean the floors in our flat (they’re really dusty from sitting empty for a couple of months) and Dan and Jeremy go and get our stuff that we have stored in London. While they’re gone I finish cleaning while the girls help. Then the girls watch a dvd and I take a nap. When dan gets back with our stuff we have dinner and then set up our air mattresses.
Tuesday dinner:
Fresh spinach tortellini bought from the store with olive oil and freshly grated parmesan cheese.
Dan calls around to schools today. One school thinks they have one opening in year 1 for andi. We have an appointment to visit tomorrow morning! I go to the grocery store again and get something for lunch and dinner. Dan starts to work on getting phone and internet access, it is going to be a process. Dan buys one more air mattress for Jodie because she was the only one that didn’t have one. This evening we walked to regents park and discovered they have a great playground and sandbox. Dan discovers that our washer is also a drier! One less thing to buy and take up space! Work on upacking some boxes.
Wednesday dinner:
Salmon with Cajun seasoning
Fried potatoes
We all go to the school this morning to talk to the head teacher. They definitely have a spot available in year 1 for andi. We also find out they have a nursery with places available for Jodie. We get a tour of the school and it is really nice. We have lunch at mcdonalds and do a little bit more shopping. We bought hangers and a pillow and looked for a kitchen trash can. Andi and I go back to the school later in the afternoon with all the paper work filled out to sign the girls up. I buy andi’s uniform shirts from the school. They only have one shirt in the smallest size. I’ll guess I’ll be washing it every night. The girls will start school on Monday.
Thursday dinner:
Roasted Chicken
Sauted asparagus
This afternoon we go to oxford circus to buy andi’s uniform. We get her a navy skirt and a pair of trousers and socks and shoes. Dan takes the standing order for our rent to the estate agent and they make plans to go for a drink later. We have dinner at Camden market.
Our estate agent brings us some chairs that we can borrow for a little bit. We’ve just been sitting on the floor and our trunks for the last few days. We go to mcdonald’s for lunch on our way to ikea. We spend all afternoon getting to ikea and waking through ikea and getting home from ikea. The only thing we liked we’re a set of shelves. We didn’t buy anything. We picked up chicken from KFC on our way home for dinner. Our phone finally gets turned on!
We went ot church on the corner this morning. It was fun seeing some people we had met last year. After church we have lunch at nando’s. dan checks his e-mail while we’re still in islington, they have free wifi on their main street. The girls and I go sit in borders. They look at the kid books while I look a t a knitting book. For dinner we have leftovers.
This is the girls first day of school. Andi woke up early this morning ready to go. She helped pack her lunch and was excited about getting to wear her uniform. I walked andi to school and we met her teacher. She seemed to settle right in. when I got back I took Jodie to starbucks for a little bit. Dan and Jodie and I went to order the girls a bunk bed. It will arrive on Thursday. We had lunch at home and then I walked Jodie to school. She had a wonderful time. On the way back from school I went grocery shopping. Then dan and I went to the bank and opened an account. I picked the girls up from school. Both of them seemed to really enjoy their first day and were looking forward to going back tomorrow. After we got home I layed down for a bit and ended up falling asleep until it was time to make dinner.
Monday dinner:
Baked chicken with potatoes
Sauted asparagus

So glad you're back on line! I loved reading all your progress since arriving. Jodie does not have to wear a uniform?
A washer and drier in one? Wow! I don't know if we have that here!
Give the girls a hug for me. Hope Jodie's birthday present fit.
The daily progress reports are great. Really helps us back here picture your days. Great picture of Andi in her uniform.
Love to all,
somer, you rock!! this was so much fun to read, and i love the pictures of the girls. :D
No, Jodie doesn't wear a uniform. She will next year.
Hi Somer, I'm so glad things are going well and that Andi was able to get into what sounds like a good school! They seem to adjust so well, which is a great blessing. Hope you are adjusting well too. Sounds like it! :)
i talked to mom today and she told me about andi's school traumas. mecky said he used to have the same problem in kindergarden. he said the only way his mom got him to school without screaming was to give him a glazed donut on his way out the car door. he said it worked every time. so i am just passing along the tip.
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