

right now i should finish putting away the groceries, organizing my closet, and doing laundry, but i don't feel like doing any of those things. i've decided to blog instead. my mom has been asking for pictures of the flat so she can visualize what it looks like with stuff in it. so here are pictures of the kitchen with everything unpacked and put away and with my knife rack and my pot rack hung. so far it is the only place that is completely unpacked and organized.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the kitchen looks great! i like the little "cafe" sign especially. can't wait to see more pictures of the flat. :)

6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been checking your blog all morning - can't believe that Kelley beat me to a reply! :) The kitchen does indeed look fabulous. And what better room to get organized first??

6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why am I not surprised that the kitchen is the first place you organized! Looks great! Let's see the rest of the flat.
Love you,

10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Freakin' awesome - or should I say brilliant? :) Love it. Love it. Love. it.

3:51 AM  
Blogger chaps said...

wow looks like something out of a catalogue!!

4:48 PM  
Blogger The Rupps said...

thanks for making us a link to your blog :) it's fun to be able to stay in touch this way and i love seeing your new place- the kitchen looks wonderful!
i wanted to tell you i read "garlic and sapphires" on your reccommendation and i loved it! thanks!

8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dig the stainless steel everywhere, so much easier to work w/. next time you make some cookies somer, eat one in memory of me! woohoo! yummy...

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somer, Your kitchen looks awesome! Hope you guys are doing well and getting even more settled now that your stuff has arrived. Thinking of you,

9:51 PM  

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