Chocolate Raspberry Tarts

these were delicious and really cute. here's the recipe...
...recipe from How to Be a Domestic Goddess
175g flour
30g cocoa powder
50g castor sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
125g butter
1 large egg yolk
1 tablespoon iced water
for the filling
50g white chocolate
250g mascarpone
100 milliliters double cream
500g raspberries
You need 6 4-inch tartlet tins with loose bottoms.
In a mixer or food processor mix together the flour, cocoa, sugar, and salt. Cut the butter into small pieces and cut it into the flour mixture with the mixer until it looks crumbly. Beat the egg yolk with the ice water and add to the mixture with the mixture running to bind the pastry. When it starts to clump together turn it out of the bowl and work it together into two discs with your hands. Wrap the discs in clingfilm and rest the pastry in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
Roll out one of the dough discs. It will be hard to roll out and it will break, but it does patch very easily, so don't worry. Cut out 3 rough squares or circles slightly bigger than the tin. Line each tin with the pastry, patching if necessary. Repeat with the other dough disc and line all six tins. Freeze the tins for about 30 minutes or until they feel frozen. While the pastry is in the freezer turn the oven on to 180 C and slip a baking sheet in at the same time to heat up.
Put the tartlets straight on the baking sheet in the oven and bake for 10-15 minutes or until the pastry feels cooked and dry. While the pastry is cooking melt the white chocolate.
When the pastry cases are cool slip them out of their tins and finish the filling. Beat the mascarpone and double cream together and fold in the cooled melted white chocolate. Fill the pastry cases with cream and top with the raspberries.